The first truly transnational festival

Trasnseuropa Festival: proposing new visions for the emergence of an alternative Europe

di Cristina Barbetta

Transeuropa Festival, a unique transnational festival of culture, arts and politics, is now taking place simultaneously in 14 cities all over Europe until  the 20th May (Amsterdam,Barcelona, Belgrade, Berlin, Bologna, Bratislava, Cluj-Napoca, London, Lublin, Paris, Prague, Rome, Sofia, Warsaw), including an outreach event in Cardiff and with a closing forum in Rome on the 2nd and 3rd of June.

The Festival is the result of a participative process developing  throughout the year across Europe, involving more than 100 activists and volunteers, mobilized in order to achieve a real transnational festival.

The aim of the event is to challenge  the risks of a cultural crisis, a crisis in the imagination, where citizens are blocked in an oppressive, divided, exclusive present. Through its action, the Festival shows that alternative models are possible, both in the political and cultural realms.
Transeuropa Festival promotes political and cultural exchange across Europe and collective action for alternative visions on the economic crisis, migrations and democratic participation.

Each of these three main themes are explored throughout the festival, in each city and in dialogue with the others through various forms – panel discussions, performances, video screenings and forums, or other kind of activities such as ‘living libraries’ and activities in the public space.

The 2012 edition of the Festival opened on the 9th of May with a transnational walk, a common and shared gesture happening simultaneously in all the Festival’s cities, and will be  closed by a European Forum taking place in Rome at Teatro Valle on the 2nd and 3rd June, a moment of debate and action where representatives from all the Festival cities will converge, bringing together the results of the festival.

Transeuropa Festival is organized by European Alternatives, a transnational organization promoting democracy, equality and culture beyond the nation state,  and by the Transeuropa Network, a horizontal network of activists from throughout Europe working together for the emergence of a new and  genuinely transnational European politics, culture and society.

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