The Amazings

A social start-up to celebrate the Year of Intergenerational Solidarity

di Staff

We’re just starting the third week of January and many of us are already struggling to keep their New Year’s resolutions. Finding a new job, getting back in shape , learning a new language or how to play the didgeridoo are not easy tasks, at least not as easy as we thought when we set those goals during the Holidays. If you are starting to think that you are a “Christmas spirit” victim and that those goals are the results of a “Christmas” brainwash that made you feel way too positive about the future, you should probably pay a visit to, a website that will help you stick to the goals you set while you were happily drinking (maybe too much) good wine, eating turkey and feeling that anything was going to be possible in the New year. gives you some tips on how to keep the promises you made and helps you find some people who could help you achieve the goals you set.

Based in East London, The Amazings is a new social start up that helps people who are retired or about to retire, share the knowledge, the passion and the skills they’ve gained throughout their lives.

Bernadette, for example is a knitting and crochet master whose knitting skills were passed down to her through the generations. She is part of the Amazings community and available to teach you the basics or give you some tips to save your last knitting disaster, while Jeanette is a dancer who has competed in Europe, Canada and the U.S. and is now happy to teach you some moves that will help you make a good impression on the dance floor.

After the GoodGym,  here is another interesting project made in the U.K. to support Solidarity Within Generations, however instead of volunteering, The Amazings has found a way to help retired people supplement their pensions, giving a real value to their knowledge and experience.

Check out the website, there is no better way to start the European Year of Active Ageing.

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