Teen pregnancy prevention
On January 19 New York Teen Pregnancy Network will organize a conference on teen pregnancy prevention in Hampshire.
di Staff
The New York Teen Pregnancy Network upholds the international agreements to protect lives: including the Unborn and the protection of teenage mum and Prevention of Teenage Pregnancy. The most important of which is the 1998 Convention on the Rights to live. The convention recognizes a range of rights related to human protection, and calls upon countries to honour their obligations to uphold these rights.
The Convention is the most widely ratified human rights treaty in the world. To make further progress on these commitments, the New York Teen Pregnancy Network invites, Youth organizations, Socio-Cultural Organizations, Community Based Organizations, Educators, Scholars, Researchers, Health Organizations, Professionals, Business Organizations, Decision makers in the public and private sector, Representatives of Governmental and Non-Governmental organizations (NGO’S), Religious organizations, Human Right Organizations & Women Groups “2009 Teen Pregnancy Prevention Conference”.
This conference will bring together an almost 800 representatives of NGO’s/CBO’s and numerous number of interested individual participants from all over the world. The conference will be conducted on participatory bases with satellite plenary and simultaneous sessions followed by general and small group discussions.
The program will include: Gain insights from top experts from around the country!; Discover successful strategies, interventions, and initiatives; Learn the latest facts and statistics, and about helpful resources; Capacity and skills-building sessions; Exchange ideas with professionals who share your goals; Presentations by our sponsors and donors.
In addition to the main program, the meeting will also host book launches, artistic and cultural activities and, as with all NY Teen Pregnancy’s events, plenty of space and opportunity for informal networking and alliance-building.
Dates & Venue: January 19, Hampshire
Find out more: www.teenpregancyny.org
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