Teach First is a UK education charity working to ensure that all children, no matter what their socio-economic background is, have an excellent education. Currently, the single biggest factor affecting a child’s performance at school and life opportunities is their family’s income.
This summer Teach First are launching their 2013 Innovation Award to find ambitious new solutions which will help tackle educational disadvantage in the UK. The award is open to anyone with an early-stage idea that has the potential to improve outcomes for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to help them turn it into reality.
The prize includes up to £20,000 to go to the winning idea towards project implementation over the first year; up to two, fixed-term, salaried positions at Teach First; a year’s worth of mentoring and expert support to the winning individual or team, to support the development of the best ideas for social enterprises that will make a real difference to the state of education in the UK, and a desk space and membership of the Teach First Innovation Hub.
For the first time, the award is not only open to Teach First participants and ambassadors but to anyone who has an idea to make a real difference in tackling educational disadvantage in the UK.
Innovation award application closes on the 19th of August.
Teach First have analyzed the breadth and depth of educational inequalities in the UK and set ambitious goals to help realize this vision. These goals are called the
2022 Impact Goals and are measurable, time-limited statements about the change Teach First want to see in the education system over the next 10 years. New ideas are needed to help achieve these goals and they want to support them to develop.
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