Sustainable healthcare, a European issue

Fondazione Ant's international conference will be held in Bologna from 12 to 14 September, to discuss the issue of sustainable healthcare

di Staff

“We must keep the European model of healthcare for everyone, but in order to do this we have to change course. We have to go towards a sustainable healthcare system  for everyone, rather than a public healthcare system for few people”. Raffaella Pannuti, Secretary General of Fondazione Ant, knows that hers is a provocation. However she is persuaded that there are no alternatives “ because if we keep on thinking that the public sector is for everyone we are wrong, the future will bring us worse services and an escape in the private sector for those who can.  A law is necessary to sanction in a clear way the integration between the public and the nonprofit sector, all over Europe. Fondazione Ant has organized an international conference that will be held in Bologna from 12 to 14 September 2013 to discuss these new models of sustainable healthcare, in particular in the sector of palliative treatment. The Dignity of Life until the last breath. Innovative models in cancer palliative care celebrates Ant’s 35 years anniversary and will see the presentation of the on the field experiences of around 15 European countries: “The cut of the contributions will be largely  based on the experience because we want to highlight  the possible innovations in models of health care. It is a way to make public institutions aware of the decisive  importance  of the integration of the nonprofit sector in public health services”.

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