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Strasbourg: a melting climate refugee
The Greens have had in Strasbourg an ice statue as climate change warning.
di Staff

On 20 October the Greens in the European Parliament have had a climate refugee sculpted in ice for this week’s full assembly sitting in Strasbourg. The statue, immediately beginning to melt, is meant to symbolise everyone at risk from global warming.
The Greens reiterated warnings that millions of people will be forced to leave their habitats because of climate change in the next 20 years. A new member pointed out the importance of this December’s UN Climate negotiations set to take place in Copenhagen.
Karima Delli said: “In Kyoto, Europe had fairly big ambitions. Today it’s completely lagging behind other countries, whether Japan, Australia or even Norway, who have reviewed their evaluations and are taking their responsibilities in hand. So are we in the European Parliament, with the image of the climate refugee in ice… because the consequences of climate warming will mean social consequences, ecological, and these will translate into human dramas.”
The Greens insist that the EU’s commitment to fighting climate change is inadequate — in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, more energy efficiency and using renewable sources. The EU is still divided over how many billion in cash to give developing countries to help them with climate change.
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