Non profit
Spanish third sector speaks English for a month
Anyone interested in finding out more about the third sector in Spain but doesn't speak Spanish can, for the whole month of September, read Spain's third sector review in English.

Tercer Sector, Spanish academia’s point of reference when it comes to research on the third sector, has decided to speak English. The monthly magazine launched in 2005 by Madrid based foundation, Fundaciòn Luis Vives and is available in print as well as online (free), has in fact translated its September issue into English in a move to expand its audience beyond national borders.
“By publishing issue number 9 in English, our aim was to seek out a more international readership, a move that was encouraged by the international ISTR congress on the third sector that was held in July in Barcelona and that brought together the academia of many countries” explains Fundaciòn Luis Vives spokesperson Virginia Moraleda Tejero.
In the future, the magazine will continue to be in Spanish, although there will be abstracts in English and papers written in English but translated into Spanish for Tercer Sector will be included in their original as well.
Tercer Sector is aimed at all people and institutions working on the Third Sector, and to all those experts studying the consequences of poverty, inequality and social exclusion, analysing its causes and effects, as well as policies and measures taken to fight them.
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