Non profit

Spain’s jobless harvesting French grapes

Spaniards are seeking seasonal work in France

di Staff

With unemployment at record levels in Spain, Libération reports that increasing numbers of Spanish workers are seeking seasonal work in southern France. 

In 2008, 12,000  workers crossed the border – an increase of 15% over 2007 – to take part in the annual grape harvest.

Spanish unions forecast that this year their number will rise to 13,500, 12.5% more than in 2008.

Most Spaniards are from Andalusia, usually employed in the building industry, which has been especially hard hit by the financial crisis in the Iberian peninsula. They are attracted by higher hourly wages – 8.22 euros per hour in France as opposed to 6.10 euros in Spain.

In a bid to protect their interests, Spanish unions have advised workers crossing the border to demand properly drafted job contracts.

In particular one union, the CCOO (Confederación Sindical de  Comisiones Obreras), is planning “to inform workers of their rights” by sending “a van to drive around the wine producing regions of southern France.”




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