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Spain: Youth go online, for free
Young people under 30 will now be able to create their own .es domain for free, thanks to a government initiative that is investing 3 million euros in 2008 for young techbologies
di Staff
A Spanish law passed in December 2007 includes a clause, called Programme for Youth online, that offers young people the opportunity of creating their own personal online domain ?.es? to under 30?s for free.
The application for a free domain can be made through (, a public organisation that is supported by the Minister for Industry, Tourism and Commerce. On it?s first day, the 15th of January, more than 1,500 requests were made, more than double the average number of .es domains that are requested a day.
This initiative aims to encourage young people to use new technologies and for them to create a space for themselves online. The government has invested 3 million euros for the programme in 2008 and will be allocating 1 million euros a year as of 2009.
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