As referred by the Spanish Review of the Third Sector, the number of people volunteering in Spain is between 2,900,000 volunteers (dedicating a minimum of one hour a month) to a million volunteers (dedicating more than 16 hours a month). Volunteers’ contribution to national GDP is around 4.6%.
According to the Fundacion Luis Vives data, 54% of volunteers are women and people from 20 to 35 years old are the most active in doing social activities, representing 45,4% of the total, while only 12% are from 35 to 50.
Time is gold in today’s world, and volunteering is a luxury that many can’t afford. between the little time off work people have and the time it takes to travel to and from destinations there are precious few hours left in a week to dedicate good causes.
Doing Microvulunteering is going to become very common around Spain. Microvolunteering means volunteering by minutes, not by hours. It means volunteering by task, not by mission and, most of all, it means volunteering whenever you have a moment to spare, from your own p.c.
Volunteering online resources
It channels the needs of NGOs with the availability of volunteers, but, unlike other volunteer-matching websites, the most it will ever ask you to give is 120 minutes. The minimum? Anywhere in between 0 and 20 minutes. The tasks – microtasks – include translations, graphic design, technical internet support and editing each one clearly states how many minutes work are expected and how many other volunteers will work with you on the task. So far 83 NGOs and almost 500 volunteers have signed on.
IdealistasThe volunteering hub of the Spanish voluntary sector. A virtual space that connects organisations, resources, funds, ideas. Available in English and French as well.
The Catalan volunteer network. This is the best place to go if you are looking to find organisations that work on the territory, non profit events or volunteer training opportunities. Its target? Citizens, students, organisations, universities and politicians. Xarcanet is funded by the welfare and families department of Catalunya’s Generalidad.
Soluciones ONG
A portal tailored to the specific needs of NGOs: job listings, training but above all, solutions. “Solutions NGO” offers 11 thematic channels dedicated to helping NGOs perform more efficiently and offering expert answers to their management, legal or financial questions.
Canal solidario
Oneworld.net’s Spanish parter, Canal Solidario offers high quality, up to date information about the Spanish speaking third sector and gives space to the sector’s best practices.
Haces Falta
Haces Falta, you are needed. This is the name of a website and newsletter that keeps you up to date with the latest non profit vacancies across Spain, Latin America and Asia. Whether you are looking for a volunteer position, a job or if you want to be a “virtual” non profit worker this job will help you find out where you are needed.
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