
Spain: Treaty of Lisbon not sustainable say NGOs

Spanish environmental NGO Ecologistas en Acciòn criticises the Treaty of Lisbon signed by EU leaders on the 13th December: it is unsustainable and undemocratic

di Vita Sgardello

Spanish environmental organisation Ecologistas en Acciòn has launched an appeal against the Treaty of Lisbon signed by EU leaders on the 13th December. The NGO has called for a referendum to decide whether the Treaty should be reformed, as in their opinion it perpetuates an ?unsustainable? and ?un-charitable? model of growth. They also denounced it for being ?undemocratic? and ?war-faring? and criticised the fact that European citizens were not involved in the decision process.

According to Ecologistas en Acciòn the Reform Treaty signed in Lisbon reaffirms three basic principles:

  • reinforcing the EU?s neoliberal model, making the EU more competitive in the world markets;
  • centralization of decision making power thereby limiting public participation;
  • strengthening the military capacity of the European Union to forcefully impose their interests in the rest of the world.

The NGO goes on to say that the EU is a ?destroyer? of its surroundings, as by unifying their markets nations are increasing the distance between producers and consumers through large transport infrastructures and electrical connections.

?This implies thousands of kilometres of asphalt, cement and bricks; an increase in CO2 emissions to the atmosphere; the fragmentation of the land, placing biodiversity under great threats? said the environmentalists in a press release.

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