Non profit

Spain: the state of philanthropy

State of philanthropy in Spain

di Staff

According to the Coordinator of Non-Governmental Organizations for Development of Spain (CONGDE), there are over 700,000 individuals that donate on a regular basis to NGOs in Spain. The average periodic donation is between €50-€100. As far as corporate philanthropy is concerned by the Fundación Luis Vives that only around one in four NPOs (26.5%) receive donations from companies in Spain.

People that are members of NGOs are most likely to donate for the social cause of the organisation. It estimates that about 2.5 million people are member of an NGOs. Gender proportion on NGO membership is quite balanced: 51% members are female, 49% male. Regarding age, all age segments have a similar representation, ranking from a 19% between people aged 19-25 to a 28% from those who are 55 or older. The 2005 survey conducted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (APF) stated that 9% NGO members come from the metropolitan area of Madrid and 5% from the metropolitan area of Barcelona.

The CONGDE report also reveals that the total private income for NGOs in Spain is about € 294.74 million. This figure reflects both individual donations and corporate funding. However the report uses data only from 60 NGOs that are within the Coordinator, thus the total income could be bigger.

Fiscal advantages:0,7% of income tax can be devoted to the milieu

The Spanish Government and NGOs have jointly decided to raise to 0,7% the percentage of income tax devoted to social projects.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the NGOs being part of the Spanish Council of NGOs of Social Action have signed a framework agreement that raises to 0,7% the percentage of income tax devoted to social projects. It will be the Spanish Parliamentary groups that will have to put this agreement into practice by approving this allocation when adopting the general budget for 2007 so that in the next income-tax return this can be implemented.

Until now, citizens could devote to social projects a percentage of 0,54239% of income tax, which last year amounted to more than 127 million €, which the Spanish Government estimates that next year could raise to 170 millions. With those 127 millions, 863 social projects were developed in Spain by 324 NGOs.

In addition, this agreement includes for the first time environmental-friendly projects related to the quality of life. The other projects, as in previous years, are expected to combat poverty and social exclusion and to care for populations such as the elderly and the dependant, migrants and asylum seekers, youngsters, children and families.

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