Spain: The Millennium Villages and a man with hope
J. Sachs strongly belives in Africa's development. He is one of the responsible for Millennium Villages, a project that applies a development model to different African countries.
di Ges
Canal Solidario ? 28 May 2006
J. Sachs is one of the responsible for a project called ?Millennium Villages?, which is quickly expanding in 10 African countries and is applying a development model which consists of three phases.
The first one is increasing the production of food in order to stop famine cycles. Asia has escaped poverty in the 40 last years with a ?green revolution?. When farmers achieved some income they were able to start to create small enterprises.
The second step is an improvement in health conditions, which concerns the production of food, drinkable water and basic social services. Child mortality decreases so that the size of families also decreases as parents are confident that their children will survive and become adults.
The third step is the introduction in international trade through an improvement in roads, energy, communications, internet, etc.
Some people state that Africa is still too underdeveloped to become as China or India. But this is not the opinion of J. Sachs, who is showing it through his Millennium Villages.
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