
Spain: Non profit online

Special Report: Spain/ An online guide to Spain’s non profit world. Whether you are a volunteer, student or professional, here are the websites you need to know about.

di Liuba Jannsen

The volunteering hub of the Spanish voluntary sector. A virtual space that connects organisations, resources, funds, ideas. Available in English and French as well.

The Catalan volunteer network. This is the best place to go if you are looking to find organisations that work on the territory, non profit events or volunteer training opportunities. Its target? Citizens, students, organisations, universities and politicians. Xarcanet is funded by the welfare and families department of Catalunya?s Generalidad.

Soluciones ONG
A portal tailored to the specific needs of NGOs: job listings, training but above all, solutions. ?Solutions NGO? offers 11 thematic channels dedicated to helping NGOs perform more efficiently and offering expert answers to their management, legal or financial questions.

Canal solidario Spanish parter, Canal Solidario offers high quality, up to date information about the Spanish speaking third sector and gives space to the sector?s best practices.

Haces Falta
Haces Falta, you are needed. This is the name of a website and newsletter that keeps you up to date with the latest non profit vacancies across Spain, Latin America and Asia. Whether you are looking for a volunteer position, a job or if you want to be a ?virtual? non profit worker this job will help you find out where you are needed.

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