
Spain: NGOs’ dependence on public subsidies decreased

Recent report refers about growing percentage of private funds and focuses on the transparency of social organizations

di Ges

Canal Solidario ? 1 January 2007

A recent report carried out by Consumer Eroski states that two out of three NGOs have achieved more than 50% of their income independently from public subsidies, a percentage that in 2004 was 45%. This report collects data from 101 Spanish organisations devoted to development aid, emergencies, human rights, the environment and social action, each one of which has more than 100 volunteers.

Four of these organisations have obtained the totality of their resources from sources other than public institutions, while many other have significantly increased the percentage of private funds.

The report also focuses on the degree of transparency of NGOs and on topics such as administration and management expenses, starting from the assumption that the lesser money NGOs have to devote to maintain their own structure the better, because they will be able to earmark more money directly to the achievement of their aims. In this regard, the report states that one third of the NGOs surveyed do not make these expenses public. In the cases in which this value is known, the average percentage is between 10% and 15% of the total budget.

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