Spain: Microcredit for development days

A two day event dedicated to microfiance and its role in development kicks off in Madrid with an opening speech by Muhammed Yunus. The event is organised by Casa Asia & Casa Africa

di Staff

Casa Asia and Casa Africa, together with the Spanish agency for international aid and development (AECID) and Microbank, have organised a 2 day event in Madrid dedicated to microfinance, development, and poverty reduction strategies in Asia and Africa. The focus will be on what role European institutions should play in achieving development goals.

The event will bring together Spanish development experts as well as representatives from the main Asian, African and Spanish institutions. The aim of the event is to create an international forum for the exchange of experiences and best practices in the field of microfinance and to promote communication between the various actors involved in microfinance mechanisms between Spain, Africa and Asia.

An important feature of the event is that institutional actors will have the chance to meet and talk to the full range of non profit actors, from NGO representatives to foundations and universities, and for profit actors, like bancs and companies.

Millennium Goals
The Microcredit for development days will also be a chance to reflect upon the goals set by the UN and the role played by Microcredit in the achievement of the goals.

The opening ceremony, on the 4th of June, will be attended by Grameen Bank founder and 2006 Nobel Peace prize winner Muhammed Yunus.

Dates & Venue
4-5th June 2008
CaixaForum, Madrid

More info

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