
Spain: in Navarra, micro loans for unprivileged

The Caja Rural gives micro-loans for unprivileged populations to create their own enterprises

di Ges

In the coming two years, the Caja Rural and the Employment Service of Navarra intend to fund 35 employment projects developed by those populations encountering more difficulties to put their business ideas into practice.

The Caja Rural contributes with 386,000 Euros which will be delivered as tailored micro-loans whose amounts will be between 10,000 and 30,000 Euros and will be granted provided that the project is economically, technically and commercially feasible and without asking for any other guarantee. The Employment Service of Navarra and the European Social Found will also contribute with 84,000 Euros.

The main beneficiaries of these micro-loans are women over 30 years old wishing to re-enter the labour market or who are employed in the underground economy; women with no stable job; women with no mobility opportunities; migrants; Roma individuals; young people; long-term unemployed; job-seekers in a risk of exclusion; and disabled individuals. All the promoters which receive a micro-loan will have to commit themselves to following one of the training actions which are a part of this initiative.

This initiative is called ?Empléate? (Employ yourself) and has already subsidised a project to create an internet-based enterprise of sociological research which was presented by two university students.


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