Spain: Design for people in need

Practical solutions for people in need. This is the aim of a Spanish NGO specialised in design that works worldwide to improve the lives of disadvantaged people.

di Staff

Design is usually associated to the creative arts, to architecture or engineering and not to NGOs, development or external aid. But often we think of development only in terms of basic needs, forgetting that the world is made of objects, tools and shapes as well.

Design for the World is an international humanitarian organisation that has not taken this aspect of development for granted, but rather has placed it at the heart of its mission by matching the skills offered by volunteer designers with the needs expressed by disadvantaged populations worldwide.

Through this NGO, founded in 1998 by leaders in international design (ICOGRADA, IFI and ICSID with the support of the Barcelona Design Centre), people disadvantaged by poverty, war, disability, age or environmental conditions can access practical design solutions that will improve their daily lives.

Design for the World works with UNICEF, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, the Red Cross movement and Médecins Sans Frontières as well as working directly with marginalised people both in the developed and less developed world.

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