Non profit

Spain: Daryl Upsall

Daryl Upsall Conuslting is an International agency based in Madrid, specialized in fundraising.

di Staff

Daryl Upsall Conuslting is an International agency based in Madrid, specialized in fundraising. It offers a wide range of services to charities, universities, cultural institutions and UN agencies. Vitaeurope meets the chief executive Daryl Upsall

Daryl Upsall spent over 25 years in fundraising, seven and half years as Marketing Director and Fundraiser for Greenpeace International and the last 8 years running an international consultancy, member of the most representative fundraising associations worldwide in Europe and US. He hasSpanish Fundraising Association and on the International Fundraising Committee of Amnesty International. He is also a member of the Institute of Fundraising since 1987, the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP USA) and the Institute of Directors (UK).

Daryl, could you make a comment about the currently financial crisis.

The crisis is clearly beyond the scope of NGOs and fundraisers in finding solutions but they will be having to deal with the problems. Firstly because a crisis will have a very negative impact on the poor and vulnerable in society. There will be more poverty and more intolerance and NGO are often on the frontline of dealing with these issues.

Secondly because the crisis will make it harder to raise funds: there will be more cancellations of regular donations to charities. Direct mail appeals in many countries especially the USA will go unopened or ignored when opened. Major donors, especially the very High Net Worth Individuals have seen their person wealth that is tied to the stock market massively reduced so will act less generously.

Foundations such as the major US ones such as Ford, Pew, Rockefeller Brothers, Packard etc.. assets decline in value with the stock market crash so will have less revenue to dispose so grants will fall. Corporations, especially banks will close down much of their giving. The value of legacies from individuals will fall as property values fall and more is given within the family to compensate for lost savings and pensions.

What a good fundraiser should invent?

Well, the good fundraiser in a far sighted NGO will focus on building loyalty with its existing support base via excellent communications about what their support is achieving for the cause, increasing non financial ask communications such as thank you and asking for donors advice and opinions. Use this time to build up a database of future prospect donors to approach. Invest in their legacy campaign Offer the best in financial transparency.

Innovate and test is the keyword and invest in fundraising, focusing on building the best WIN,WIN,WIN relationships with corporations that involve and engage suppliers, customers and staff and that advance the brand values of both the company and the NGO and not only raise funds and increase sales but generate new prospect donors and clients whose data is properly captured.

Spain is considered to be a leading country for public support to the non profit sector. People working in Spanish Third Sector have the same perception?

The current Government is committed to working with the Third Sector in a way the previous one was not. Their commitment to supporting the target of 0.7% of GDP in foreign development aid is an excellent target. However, Spain is still long behind north European countries in the development of the Third Sector and is still trying to catch up on many social issues such as domestic violence and racial integrations but its on the right track

Link: Daryl Upsall Consulting International

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Da 30 anni VITA è la testata di riferimento dell’innovazione sociale, dell’attivismo civico e del Terzo settore. Siamo un’impresa sociale senza scopo di lucro: raccontiamo storie, promuoviamo campagne, interpelliamo le imprese, la politica e le istituzioni per promuovere i valori dell’interesse generale e del bene comune. Se riusciamo a farlo è  grazie a chi decide di sostenerci.