
Spain: CeroC02 initative against global warming

CeroCO2 is an initiative aiming to raise the social awareness about the need to start immediately an action against global warming.

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CeroCO2 is an initiative jointly carried out by the Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo and the Fundación Natura, being its aim to raise the social awareness about the need to start immediately an action against global warming. In order to accomplish such aim, it provides people, administrations, enterprises, NGOs, with tools to calculate, compensate and reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide in daily life. CeroCO2 is well aware of the importance of the Kyoto protocol but those responsible for this initiative also know that Kyoto will not suffice to stop climatic change. So it offers realistic and feasible alternatives for everyone to contribute to stopping global warming. CeroCO2 offers tools to inform about climatic change, its causes and consequences; to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide through practical advice to minimise energy consumption; to quantify the emissions of carbon dioxide everyone is responsible of through calculators provided by the initiative; and to compensate for these emissions by supporting projects of energy efficiency, renewable energies and capture of carbon in Latin America. CeroCO2 is also supported by the town councils of Barcelona and Zaragoza, the Diputació de Barcelona, the Catalan Government, INCAE Business School, the Centre of Environmental Resources of Navarra, the Fundación Biodiversidad, the Spanish Ministry of the Environment, the Spanish Red Cross and the Fundación CONAMA.

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