Spain: Catalan aid control tightened
The new development plan introduces a more accurate planning of development aid actions and reinforces the monitoring and evaluation of specific projects
di Ges
The Catalan Government's new plan for development and co-operation for 2007 – 2010 introduces a more accurate planning of development aid actions and reinforces the monitoring and evaluation of specific projects. All projects that have received more than 100,000 euros will have to devote part of this money to undertaking an audit, whilst those that have received less money will be subjected to random audits.
In the framework of this plan, countries such as Burkina Faso, Peru and Brazil have also been included in the list of countries to recieve Catalunyan support. Projects will continue to be developed in Morocco, Palestine, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mozambique and Senegal, while priority will be given to Algeria, the Sahara, Cameroon and Ethiopia.
This year, the plan's budget will be 56,7 million euros which is expected to increase to 130 million by 2010.
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