
Spain: Caixa Catalunya grants 1.200 microloans for people with no economic means

In 2006, Spanish saving banks devoted 1,500 million eur to social philanthropy, a figure that amounts to around 27% the individual net profits of these financial organisations

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Caixa Catalunya, the third saving bank in Spain, has already awarded 1,200 social microloans which have led to the creation of 2,500 new jobs. On February 2001, Caixa Catalunya introduced microloans for the first time in Spain, which have represented a total investment of 11 million eur. In 2006, Spanish saving banks devoted 1,500 million eur to social philanthropy, a figure that amounts to around 27% the individual net profits of these financial organisations. Caixa Catalunya in particular has four Foundations specialised in the defence of the environment; culture; the combat against social exclusion; and care for the elderly. More information on:

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