
Spain: Artificial reef to save sea bottom

An unusual exhibition, that aims to promote awareness about marine conservation, has been launched by environmental organisation Accion Natura on the beach at Sitges

di Staff

An unusual exhibition has been launched by environmental organisation Accion Natura on the beach at Sitges, small town in the Province of Barcelona. The aim of the exhibition is to inform residents about a project being financed by the Caixa (an important Spanish bank) and Ciment Català and carried out by Accion Natura. The project aims to place and maintain an artificial coral reef along the coastline known as el Garraf ? this is the first time that real marine conservation projects are being implemented 100% by civil society.

The exhibition, called ?Protecting the sea. Protecting the future?, is made up of the four modules that will be sunk in the area designated by the NGO as being a protected natural area, and will inform residents about its functions.

The NGO hopes that by making the area into a protected area and by placing the artificial reef, the sea bottom in the area will be able to regenerate.

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