Spain: A day to celebrate aid workers
Coinciding with the anniversary of the UN Millennium declaration, Spain celebrates September 8 as a day dedicated to all NGO workers.

It was the milestone Volunteer Statute approved in 2006 by the Spanish council of ministers that chose to designate September 8 as a day for all those people who work in the humanitarian and social fields, both at home in Spain and abroad. A moment to “remember and acknowledge the labour of aid operators and aid, understood as the continued work of peoples who, together, seek a more dignified life for all human beings”, states the Ministry for foreign affairs and international cooperation in a press release on the eve of this year’s celebrations.
In order to “publicly acknowledge the personal commitment made by aid workers to the world’s poor” the Ministry has organised several events including a formal reception open to NGO representatives during which a commemorative plaque for the aid workers who have died carrying out their work will be unveiled. The line up for the day long celebration also includes concerts – to see the full list go to:
The Dia del cooperante is, as well as being an important public moment for the recognition of humanitarian values and labour, also an occasion to highlight the growing professionalism of the sector. The Spanish social news service points out that the romantic ideal of untrained volunteers travelling to experience the developing world and give a helping hand along the way has long been overtaken by a new reality. Today’s aid workers are highly trained individuals with university degrees who manage, implement and evaluate projects over long periods of time.
To match the sector’s growing professionalism, Spanish authorities, through the 2006 Statute, are slowing beginning to develop strategies that safeguard humanitarian workers in their work. Such as a specially designed insurance and social assistance program for aid workers that is co-financed by Aecid, the Spanish international development agency, and that aims to provide subsidised healthcare and maternity leave for female workers.
According to Soraya Rodriguez, State Secretary for international aid and development, 38% of aid workers already benefit from Aecid’s insurance, however there are still many issues that remain uncovered. Illnesses acquired in foreign countries, the cost of schooling aid worker’s children and tax breaks for working abroad have not yet been acknowledged, highlights Josè Marià Medina, president of Congde, Spain’s development NGOs coordinating body.
In the run up to September 8 celebrations, the Spanish government has also confirmed its intention to fulfil President Zapatero’s promise to allocate 0.7% of Spain’s Gdp to development between 2009-2012.
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