Spain: 2007 Plan for International Co-operation approved

Spanish Council for Co-operation foresees an increase in official development aid that will reach 0,42% of the GNI

di Ges

Europa Press ? 2 January 2007 Last 30 of December, the Spanish Council for Co-operation approved unanimously the 2007 Plan for International Co-operation, which foresees an increase in official development aid that will reach 0,42% of the Gross National Income. This Council is one of the bodies for consultation and co-ordination in the field of Spanish aid to development and its membership is made up of NGO for Development, universities and enterprises, in addition to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation. According to it, the Plan has three major goals: increasing the allocations for the coverage of social needs and basic social services, promoting the harmonisation between agents and with other donors and increasing the co-operation of Spain with multilateral bodies. More information here

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