Spain: 1 hour of learning = 1 Euro for development aid

How to educate youngsters to social responsibility and improve living conditions of unprivileged populations at the same time

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More than 10,000 students and 160 class-rooms in four countries, among which Spain, will participate until next 15th of December in the fourth edition of an initiative called ?Olimpíada Solidaria del Estudio? that intends to be an innovative action for development education and solidarity.

Under the leitmotif ?Do you want to be a solidarity-driven person??, a number of sponsors, among which town councils, saving banks or small businesses, will give 1 ? for each hour these students devote to learning. The money collected in Spain will be destined to a technical secondary school in Burundi called ?Kiryama?, to a centre for skills reinforcement in the Ivory Coast called ?Nieré? and to a child school in Congo named ?Minzoto?.

This initiative was launched in 2003 by a Spanish NGO called ?Coopera-Jóvenes para la Cooperación al Desarrollo? and is now jointly organised with another Spanish NGO, ?Cooperación Internacional ONG (CI)?. One of its aim is educating youngsters in values such as solidarity and social responsibility by making them more aware of the social, economic and political conditions in which the most unprivileged populations in the world live. Another of its aims is improving the living conditions of these populations and building up a more fairer world.

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