Social Innovation WE

di Filippo Addarii

I spent the WE in Massimago, the wine farm of Carlo Rossi-Chauvenet. He organised the first Social Innovation WE in Italy. Who said working in the sector is not cool?

Carlo invited a mix salad of friends to spend a WE in his country farm and talk about social innovation. There wasn’t a structured agenda except for eating, drinking and enjoying time together. I brought Simona, my banker-friend and Brother Alessandro.

We had a lively discussion with some clashes on social investments. Arthur Wood, banker and former Ashoka, argued that the grey area between charitable donations and mainstream donations is the future to leverage capitals, develop cross sector partnerships and tackle social problems. On the other side, Luciano Balbo, venture philanthropist and founder of Fondazione Oltre, countered the State is the driver of development through taxation and investments. Philanthropy is just ancillary.

It’s a pity that the people who make the sector so special with their passion are so often forgotten. Of course, I reminded the group. This was worthwhile the accusasion of comunism by Balbo while Arthur noticed I speak English pretty well.

When a speaker mother tongue makes such a comment it wants to be a compliment but it sounds like the pot pot on the shoulder of the native in a colony.

Anyway, the WE was complemented with a visit of Verona. I found inspiration for staff management,

… and my future grave to commemorate my fight for the sector.

you see social innovation never stop looking amazing to me!

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