Social innovation: an answer to the current crisis

Innobasque is organizing a conference on “Social innovation, creating value with and for the people” in Bilbao in the 28th of June. The European Commission will present the "Guide to Social Innovation" at the conference

di Staff

Social innovation might be the answer Europe is looking for to support a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. This is well explained in the "European Guide to Social Innovation" that will be presented  by the European Commission at the conference "Social innovation, creating value with and for the people". The conference, taking place in in Bilbao on the 28th June, is organized by Innobasque, in collaboration with Kutxabank and S3 Platform.
During this event the audience will have the opportunity to know how several European regions have included social innovation in their smart specialization strategies (S3). In addition to this, several social innovation good practices will be presented together with a Basque cooperation platform to connect regional social innovation with European networks. At the end of the session, the regional index of social innovation (Resindex) will be presented: this is a pioneer pilot project in Europe promoted by Innobasque in collaboration with Sinnergiak Social Innovation (UPV/EHU) that measures and assesses the state of social innovation.

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