
Social Economy: the Conference

2nd International CIRIEC Research Conference on the Social Economy will take place on 1 and 2 October in Östersund, Sweden

di Staff

The Social Economy in a world facing a global crisis: this is the theme of the 2nd International CIRIEC Research Conference, hosted in the Swedish city of Östersund tomorrow and on Friday.

Senior and early-stage researchers interested by the whole range of the social economy components (cooperatives, mutuals, associations, foundations) have expressed their need for a meeting place to exchange ideas. CIRIEC has therefore decided to conduct every two years (odd years) an international research conference on the social economy, in turns to its international congresses.

This Conference follows the great success of the 1st International CIRIEC Research Conference on Social Economy in Victoria, Canada, 2007.

The 2009 Conference objectives are to:

– increase internationally the scientific knowledge and recognition of the Social Economy;

– strengthen and encourage participatory research between researchers and practitioners in the Social Economy;

– provide researchers, practitioners and governments with the opportunity to exchange knowledge and viewpoints on the Social Economy in different national contexts.


The 2009 CIRIEC Research Conference flyer can be downloaded here.

To visit the official website of the conference, go to




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