
Slovenia: European year of intercultural dialogue launched

The European year of intercultural dialogue is officially inaugurated in Ljubljana today, 8th January by the President of the Commission and the Slovenian prime minister

di Vita Sgardello

The European year of intercultural dialogue 2008 will be officially inaugurated in Ljubljana today, 8th January by the President of the Commission, José Manuel Barroso, and by the Slovenian prime minister, Janez Jan?a. Today?s celebration follows a conference that was held on the 7th January called Intercultural dialogue as a fundamental EU value in the presence of European Commissioners Ján Figel' and Jánez Potočnik and mark the beginning of a variety of activities that will take place throughout the year across the whole of Europe.

The aim of the initiative? To highlight the importance of intercultural interaction in Europe, to encourage the establishment of relationships between peoples and religions, and to contribute, through dialogue, towards understanding, tolerance, charity and a shared perception of a European future.

?In the twenty first century Europe must rise up to a new challenge, that of becoming an intercultural society founded on respect. We must go beyond the idea of a society where peoples from different cultural backgrounds simply coexist. Tolerance alone is no longer enough, we must move towards a real social metamorphosis – cultural interaction must happen constructively and be based on mutual respect? declared Ján Figel', European Commissioner for Education, Training Culture and Youth.

The Europe-wide celebration of integration will be officially inaugurated at Slovenian capital?s Cankarjev DOM.

According to a recent Eurobarometer survey two thirds of Europeans have daily contacts with at least one person of different religious, ethnic or national background. This proves that intercultural interaction are in deed a common occurrence in the EU. More than 70 % of the interviewees consider these relationships to be positive.

The European year will focus on this positive attidute. 27 national projects and seven large, pan-European projects will be the main message carriers for this initiative that aims to be bottom-up. That is to say, that action will be decentralised, and participation will extend to all levels ? national, regional and local. At the same time communication will be given a great deal of space. Events will take place across Europe and in Brussels. Over 8.6 million euros will be invested on intercultural projects between 2007 and 2013

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