
Serbia: Free software downlads hit record high

In just two weeks over 20 thousand free software packages were downloaded by Serbian servers, announced the government, that has invested 100 thousand euros in increasing their popularity

di Oneworld Southeast Europe

Over 20 thousand copies of localised free software packages have been downloaded by Serbian servers between March 25th and April 9th 2008, announced the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society of Serbia (MTID) .

Fedora Linux was downloaded by more than 1.000 visitors, OpenOffice by 3500, Srbzila and Gromoptica were downloaded 11,500 and 6,300 times, respectively. Keeping in mind that free software can be distributed freely and installed on many computers, the number of installed copies is certainly higher than the number of downloads.

The Ministry noted that some servers ? especially those in academic circuits – detected problems and has announced plans to make downloading available from several other servers in the future.

MTID financed the 8,000,000 Dinars (100 thousand euros) worth project of localization of popular free software packages into Serbian language ? Fedora Linux 8; OpenOffice; Mozilla Firefox (Srbzila) web-browser; and Thunderbird (Gromoptica) mail client.

The localization was done by he experts from the Schools of Organization Sciences and the School of Mathematics in Belgrade, and the School of Electronic Engineering in Ni?.

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