
Serbia: Civicus civil society index presented

The CIVICUS Civil Society Index (CSI) is an action-research project to assess the state of civil society around the world. On Monday the CSI for Serbia was presented

di Oneworld Southeast Europe

On Monday, March 17, the Argument Research and Analysis Centre from Belgrade organized a round table discussion, at the Belgrade Media Centre, on the topic of development of civil society in Southeast Europe.

Together with the Centre for Development of Non-Profit Sector and with support from UNDP and European Agency for Reconstruction, Argument implemented the CIVICUS Civil Society Index in Serbia.

The opening address was given by Jadranka Jelinčić from the Open Society Fund. The gathering presented the finding from the CIVICUS survey in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonian and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The round-table discussion aimed to use the advantages offered by CIVICUS CSI to promote exchange of information and experience on levels of development of civil society in those states and to contribute to further development of civil society and international regional cooperation.

Jasna Filipovic, the Director of CRNPS, presented the analysis of the State Budget Line 481, funding for non-governmental organizations, as an example of a current problem for Serbian NGOs.

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