
Seminario: Hiv e migranti nei Balcani

Il 21 e 22 giugno a Roma dall 'OIM, Organizzazione Internazionale per le Migrazioni - Unità Psicosociale e di Integrazione Culturale - guidata da Natale Losi,

di Redazione

HIV/AIDS, prevention and care among migrants in the Balkans Presso l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità (giorno 21 a PORTE CHIUSE: vi si accede iscrivendosi preventivamente) , sia presso il Ministero della Sanità (giorno 22 a porte aperte). Viale Regina Elena, 299 – ROMA 9:00 – OPENING AND WELCOME Agostino Miozzo Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ranieri Guerra Director of the Secretariat for Cultural Affairs, National Institute of Health Natale Losi Head of the Psychosocial & Cultural Integration Unit- IOM Rome 9:20 PRESENTATION OF THE PROGRAM HIV/AIDS IN THE BALKANS Michela Martini Researcher – IOM Rome 9:30 ? COUNTRIES OVERVIEW Thomas Melo Director of International Cooperation – Ministry of Health Bosnia and Herzegovina Semra Cavaljuga Epidemiologist Institute of Public Health Sarajevo Stamenkovic Stanimir Ministry of Health Banja Luka Bulgaria Nina Gatcheva Member of the National HIV/AIDS Committee – Ministry of Health 11:00 DISCUSSION 11:20 BREAK 11:45 Croatia Jasminka Dobravc Poljak Ccordinator of HIV/AIDS peer education project, Ministry of Health Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Darko Djurkovic Director of HIV/AIDS Department, Federal Institute of Health Protection – Kosovo Pleurat Sejdiu Chairman of HIV/AIDS Prevention Kosovar Committee Xhevat Jakupi AIDS Programme Manager, Dep. of Health and Social Welfare, UNMIK – Montenegro Brankica Dupanovic Delegate of the Ministry of Health 13: 10 Break 14:30 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Vesna Velik-Stefanovska National Coordinator of the Committee for HIV/AIDS Romania Sorin Petrea Delegate of the Ministry of Health Slovenia Evita Leskov_ek Head of the Municipal HIV Board in Ljubljana 15:30 DISCUSSION 16:15 HIV/AIDS: ?THE REGIONAL APPROACH? Jane Gronow – UNAIDS/UNICEF Coordinator HIV/AIDS: Young People?s Health, Development and Protection Balkan Area 17:00 CONCLUSIONS: HIV/AIDS in the Balkans: ?The present and the future? ? comments on the panel presentations Jadranka Mimica IOM Zagreb 9:30 INTRODUCTION Paolo Guglielmetti Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vittorio Agnoletto Scientific board of the Italian league for the fight against AIDS – (LILA), Member of the National HIV/AIDS Committee – Italian Ministry of Health 9:45 MIGRATION AND HIV/ AIDS: INTRODUCTION TO THE WORKING GROUPS Mary Haour-Knipe Coordinator for HIV/AIDS – IOM Geneva 10:00 WORKING GROUPS. The aim of this session is to discuss possible interventions in the Balkans to reduce the HIV/AIDS risk and vulnerability among migrant populations through prevention and care. Divided in two groups, the participants will be requested to provide plans on how to strengthen the network among Balkan Institutional representatives and what would be necessary to sustain the network. Rapporteurs: Julie Lehair ? IOM Rome Michela Martini – IOM Rome Stefano Volpicelli -LILA Italian league for the fight against AIDS, Participants: All the Institutional representatives from the Balkans: Semra Cavaljuga, Jasminka Dobravc Poljak, Branka Dupanovic, Darko Djurkovic, Nina Gatheva, Evita Leskov_ek, Tomas Melo, Sorin Petrea, Stanimir Stamenkovic, Pleurat Sejdiu,Vesna Velik-Stefanovska, Xhevat Jakupi. Jane Gronow – UNAIDS Coordinator HIV/AIDS: Young People?s Health, Development and Protection – Balkan Area Mary Haour-Knipe -IOM Geneva, Coordinator HIV/AIDS programme Jadranka Mimica – IOM Zagreb Vesna Durovic, Senior Health Program Manager.- IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies), Delegation in BiH Group 1: – HIV/AIDS prevention – How to establish and strengthen the network in the Balkans Group 2: – HIV/AIDS care – How to establish and strengthen the network in the Balkans 13:00 Break 14:30 PRESENTATION OF THE WORKING GROUPS? RESULTS 15:30 ROUND TABLE OPEN TO PUBLIC DEBATE ?? Will the South Africa trial modify strategies against HIV/AIDS also in the Balkans? Challenges for a new cooperation? Chairwoman: Nicole Janigro ? essay-writer ,Balkan expert Participants (alphabetic order): Vittorio Agnoletto – President of the scientific board of the Italian league for the fight against AIDS ? (LILA), Italian NGO Lamberto Briziarelli ?Director of CSESI ? University of Perugia-Italy Claudio Calvaruso – Director of Centro Studi- Italian Ministry of Health Ranieri Guerra ? Director of the Secretariat for Cultural Affairs, National Institute of Health Paolo Guglielmetti – Directorate General for Development Cooperation, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mary Haour-Knipe – Coordinator for HIV/AIDS – IOM Geneva Lynellyn Long – Chief of Mission ? IOM Sarajevo Alessandra, Redondi – Head of the medical department of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF ) Itala Turco – Farmindustria 18:00 WORKSHOP CONCLUSION Natale Losi Head of the Psychosocial & Cultural Integration Unit-IOM Rome SCIENTIFIC BOARD: Vittorio Agnoletto – President of the scientific board of the Italian league for the fight against AIDS (LILA), Member of the National HIV/AIDS Committee – Italian Ministry of Health Claudio Calvaruso – Director of Centro Studi- Italian Ministry of Health Ranieri Guerra – Director of the Secretariat for Cultural Affairs, National Institute of Health Paolo Guglielmetti – Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mary Haour-Knipe – Coordinator for HIV/AIDS – IOM Geneva Natale Losi – Head of the Psychosocial & Cultural Integration Unit – IOM Rome Michela Martini – Psychosocial & Cultural Integration Unit, HIV/AIDS working area Jadranka Mimica – IOM Zagreb Agostino Miozzo – Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Stefano Volpicelli – LILA Italian league for the fight against AIDS SCIENTIFIC SECRETARIAT: IOM Rome, Via Nomentana 62 Natale Losi, Head of the Psychosocial & Cultural Integration Unit, HIV/AIDS working area Michela Martini, Researcher , Psychosocial & Cultural Integration Unit, HIV/AIDS working area Tel 06 44186204 Julie Lehair, Researcher , Psychosocial & Cultural Integration Unit, HIV/AIDS working area Tel 06 44186204 ITALIAN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS – DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION Paolo Guglielmetti Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs ORGANISING SECRETARIAT: International Organization for Migration (IOM) Via Nomentana 62 ? 00161 Rome Eleonora Striglia – Silvia Di Blasi ? Claudia Martinez Tel 0644186215 – 0644186214 – 0644186216 Fax 064402533 E-mail: National Institute of Health Viale Regina Elena, 299 ? 00161 Rome Tel. 0649902611 ? 0649903431 ? 0649903436 Fax 0649387073 E-mail: GENERAL INFORMATION Venue 21 June 2001 ? National Institute of Health Viale Regina Elena, 299 – 00161 Rome 22 June – Ministry of Health Lungotevere Ripa,1 – 00153 Rome

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