Scotland: Volonteurope
On October 20-23 the 20th Volonteurope Conference will take place in Edinburgh. Don't miss out!
di Staff

The 20th Volonteurope Conference, will soon be held in Edinburgh, delivered in partnership with CSV in Scotland and supported by the European Commission’s ‘Europe for Citizens’ Programme.
The registration for the conference is still open. The Conference, delivered in the framework of the European Year of Volunteering 2011, will also be celebrating the 5th Active Citizens of Europe (ACE) Awards.
On Friday 21 October 2011, at Greyfriars Tolbooth & Highland Kirk in Edinburgh, outstanding indvidual volunteers and volunteering NGOs will be recognised as well as corporate companies with effective CSR and volunteering programmes.
This year’s winners are:
• Scottish European Educational Trust (Scotland)
• Sue Ryder (for work in Scotland through the Prison Volunteer Programme)
• Serve the City (Belgium)
• Redhall Walled Garden Trainees (Scotland)
• Saronikos Young Volunteers in Action (Greece)
Corporate Organisations
• Fundação INATEL – ‘Conversa Amiga’ Programme (Portugal)
European Year of Volunteering 2011
Nearly half-way through the Year, the work on implementation of EYV 2011 on behalf of Europe’s Civil Society is in full swing, delivered through the EYV 2011 Alliance. Volonteurope is working through the Executive and Steering Groups of the EYV 2011 Alliance, the six thematic Working Groups, as well as through its own network, to ensure that the Year fulfils its objectives, makes a real and lasting difference, reaching out to as many citizens across Europe as possible. Please visit the official Alliance website for EYV 2011 and the European Commission’s pages, by following the links on the right-hand side.
To find out more:
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