
Scotland: Postgraduate study for social enterprise

The Glasgow Caledonian University and the Scottish Social Enterprise Academy have set up a new postgraduate degree, which is the first in Scotland, on social enterprise

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The Glasgow Caledonian University and the Scottish Social Enterprise Academy have set up a new postgraduate degree, which is the first in Scotland, on social enterprise.

The one year part-time programme is addressed to people who work in the social enterprise or associated sectors in order to give them an effective opportunity to develop good strategy in their projects.

This programme analyses the UK structure and values of social enterprise, and focuses on the strategies to develop management skills to strengthen and support individuals in creating, developing and sustaining their organizations.

The course examines all the factors linked to the social enterprise sector: social, economic, environmental, legal, operational and cultural.

The programme will start on February and is organized in three conferences which combine the analysis of politics and theory with real projects and cases studio.

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