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School partnerships promote volunteering

A contest open to schools in Southeast Europe: building bridges between communities through volunteering

di Oneworld Southeast Europe

The Academy of Central European Schools (ACES) is organizing its fifth contest for cross-border school partnerships. During the European Year of Volunteering 2011, the main topic of the contest is “Building bridges in societies – volunteer in your communities”. Schools from Bosnia and Herzegovina and 14 other countries of the region are invited to present their project proposals by April 30. An international jury will select the best projects that will win funding and support in the implementation of the projects.

Initiatives aimed to assist peers with learning difficulties, organisation of concerts in homes for senior citizens, environmental protection programmes, fight against discrimination and other initiatives can become part of a volunteering project of cross-border cooperation between schools.

This year’s contest is open to applications from Albania, Austria, BiH, Bulgaria, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.

The ACES network was created by the ERSTE Foundation in 2006, with the aims to connect teachers and students from Central and Southeast Europe, with support of competent ministries in all participating countries. For additional infomration on the ACES project, visit the website

Source: OneWorld SEE

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