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Say NO to Violence against Women

Sign UNIFEM's petition

di Staff

Violence against women and girls is a problem of pandemic proportions. Perhaps the most pervasive human rights violation that we know today. It devastates lives, fractures communities, and stalls development all over the world.

The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) has launched an advocacy campaign “Say NO to Violence against women” on ending violence against women.

UNIFEM has set a goal of reaching at least one million signatures by 25 November, the International Day to Eliminate Violence against Women.

Watch SayNOtoViolence video on VitaEurope TV!


Get involved:

– Visit and add your names

– Include a link to as part of your e-mail signature

– Talk about the campaign in your blog and in discussion forums

– Text to everyone on your mobile phone address book

– Get and use the Campaign Toolkit

To find out more click here

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