
Russia: Working time reduction for parents

OAO "Evrazruda“ Company decided to reduce the weekly working time for partents with children younger than 18 years of two hours from 1st May till 30th September 2006 without any decrease in salary

di Stefanie Schiffer

OAO “Evrazruda? Company – part of the “Evraz Group?- decided to reduce the weekly working time for partents with children younger than 18 years of two hours from 1st May till 30th September 2006 without any decrease in salary. Beneficiaries may be all mothers, single fathers and foster partents.

This action is the result of a common strategy of the enterprise’s management and trade unions in order to support family life, motherhood and fatherhood.

The action is being hold this year for the second time and will be applied to all staff members in the regions of Kusbass, the republic of Khakassia and Krasnojarsk. The action takes place in the summer months as the pupils are in school holidays and need special support from their parents.

Gleb Mokhov, personnel manager of “Evraz Goup? declares that the action does not negatively affect the enterprise’s efficiency: “If the employees are happy and balanced and feel that they can spend enough time with their families they also feel committed to work.?


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