Russia: study published on trafficking people
On March 15th several UN agencies and the International Organisation on Migration have presented a research on trafficking in people in Russia.
“Trafficking in people has become one of the most profitable fields of global criminality? Says Julia Ormond, UN Goodwill Ambassador on Human Trafficking. “We are observing a shift from illegal dealing with weapons, narctics or tabacco to trafficking in people now”.
On March 15th several UN agencies and the International Organisation on Migration have presented a research on trafficking in people in Russia. The research was carried out through experts of the Institute for Urban Economics in Moscow. The research gives information about the scale, the character and the reasons for trafficking in people in Russia, offers analyses about groups of risks, mechanisms of trafficking and description of routes of march.
The research concludes with recommendations for national and international governmental and non-goeremtal actors to prevent and fight trafficking in people in Russia. The whole text of the research (in Russian):
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