
Russia: Rusal finances childrens’ sport projects

The company Rusal has started a programme on the support of childrens' sport opportunities in spring 2006

di Stefanie Schiffer

The company RUSAL, one of the three world?s greatest aluminium producers, has started a programme on the support of childrens’ sport opportunities in spring 2006. More than 20 projects have been selected after en open tender in May 2006. Grants ranging from 200-250.000 Russian Rubles (65.000-85.000 Euro) have been awarded to projects in Achinsk, Bolsitogorsk, Bratsk, Krasnojarsk, Novokusneck, Sajanogorsk and Akaban. The grants will be made to NGOs, schools, sport clubs and childrens? gardens. Already in 2004-2005 RUSAL has announced a tender programme for the support of a healthy way of live of children. That time 18 sportgrounds ? mostly in Western Siberian cities have been built or reconstructed. www.soc-otvet.ru

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