
Russia: GMO food banned from schools

Ecologists welcome the decision of Moscow's major Juri Luzhkov to ban GMO (genetically modified organism) food from Moscow's schools and kindergartens from 2006.

di Stefanie Schiffer

Ecologists as the Russian movement “For biosafety? welcome the decision of Moscow’s major Juri Luzhkov to ban GMO (genetically modified organism) food from Moscow’s schools and kindergartens from 2006.

Viktoria Kopeikina, Director of “For biodafety? declares that this ban should be only a first step in order to restrict the use of GMO also in other Russian regions. Next steps should be the marking of food productions on the basis of GMO in order to inform consumers about their origin. “For biosafety? also claims other Russian regions should join the initiative of Moscow’s major Luzhkov and ban GMO food in their schools and kindergardens.

Children up to 14 years should generally be protedted fromthe useof GMO as they are the most vulnerable group of population. “For biosafety? is an alliance which is active in the former SU republics Armenia, Georgia, Kasakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Tadzhikistan and Ukraine.


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