Russia: Eu finances grass root projects

The Eu has published an open tender for a total budget of 5 million euro to strengthen grass root organisations in the Russian Federation

di Stefanie Schiffer

The European Commission has published an open tender for a total budget of 5 million euro to strengthen grass root organisations in the Russian Federation and their co-operation with European partners.

The small grants facility at stake is called the Institution Building Partnership Programme (IBPP). It aims to strengthen the development of civil society in Russia by promoting basic economic and social rights of marginalized groups in society. The projects? duration is a maximum 24 months.

The IBPP projects under the new call for proposals are to be implemented in various regions of Russia, and aim at supporting civil society initiatives in various fields such as actions in favour of marginalized groups of society (women, children, people with disabilities), local economic and cultural initiatives as well as initiatives aimed at strengthening cooperation between civil society organisations and public bodies at local and regional level.

To apply, interested organisations will have to form a consortium of at least one organisation from Russia and one from an EU country or EU candidate country (Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYROM, Turkey.) Deadline for the submission of proposals is 5th June 2006.

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