Russia: ecologists demonstrates for the Baikal Lake
Ecologists demonstrated against the project of the East Siberian-Pacific Sea Pipline
On April 1st in front of the company "Transneft? in Moscow around 100 activists from several ecological NGOs demonstrated against the project of the ?East-Siberian ? Pacific Sea Pipeline?. The planned pipeline ? a 11 mrd $ project – would pass close to the Baikal lake- one of the greatest water reservoirs worldwide. In case of an accident up to 3000 tons of oil could spoil the Baikal lake during only 20 minutes. More than 20 persons have been detained through the police during the protests, around ten have been brought to the police station Jakimanka in Moscow. The whereabout of the others is unknown so far. The the "East-Siberian ? Pacific Sea Pipeline? project is endangering the Baikal lake and people are concerned about that. We understand that "Transneft? does not want to see such actions right before ist premises. That?s why the demonstration was not allowed by the police and why police reaction was so aggressive. The behaviour of the demonstrators was absolutely peacefully.? Told Vladimir Sliviak, copresident of "Ecodefense?.
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