Non profit

Round-table on the not-for-profit concept

Debates at a European and at a national level

di Staff

The not-for-profit sector covers various realities and has several names: non-marchand, SSGI, not-for-profit, non-profit, voluntary sector, à profit social, social enterprises, etc. However, social and economic activities carried out by the sector are important in any case: private schools, part of the health sector, part of the cultural sector, social services, etc.

Considering those issues, CEDAG and Pour la Solidarité take the initiative to organize a round-table on the not-for-profit concept at EU and national level. Regarding both the existing legislative framework for the not-for-profit, social economy and SSIG at the various decision levels (regional, federal/national and European) and a comparative approach between Member States (benchmarking), the main topics of the round-table will be the following: which are the existing development prospects for the not-for-profit sector at EU and national levels? What are the legislative improvements necessary in order to support it? How to support the not-for-profit sector as provider of affordable, innovative and qualitative SSGI meeting current social, economic and environmental challenges at EU and national levels?

Focus will be set on the Belgian situation and, in particular, the Walloon situation compared to EU regulations.

The roundtable will be held on 3rd September 2009 from 9 am to 4.30 pm at Pour la Solidarité, rue Coenraets 66, 1060 Brussels.

The draft programme of the day is available here.




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