Non profit
Romania: Children place themselves at heart of health campaign
Romanian children affected by HIV/AIDS have become the creators and protagonists of a campaign to raise awareness about themselves. Visit the photography competion online
di Staff
Open Your Heart. A photo contest launched by the UNOPA, Romania’s national union of organisations for people affected by HIV/AIDS, in partnership with the JSI Family health initiative, that aims to give young Romanians living with the illness to directly be involved in fighting stigma and discrimination.
The contest, that collects images created by and portraying children affected by HIV/AIDS, each one accompanied by their messages to the outside world, has been published online.
Youth were determined to change attitudes and misconceptions about HIV positive people by using images and accompanying messages they also shared their dreams, feelings and hopes?, explains the Romanian Family Health Initiative website. The RFHI addresses emerging public health issues, working on the frontline of prevention activities and curbing the impact of HIV and AIDS in Romania. All of the RFHI interventions have been supported by sustainability measures for the programs and the local NGOs involved, ensuring the continuation of objectives beyond the lifespan of RFHI.
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