Non profit
Red Cross goes web 2.0
The Guardian reports on how the charity embraces gaming and social networking in bid to reach more young people
di Staff

Vicious war in Northern Uganda has destroyed Joseph’s home and torn his family apart. He has one goal, to find out from the Red Cross if his mother is alive. He needs you to be his guide and time is running out. Can you help him?
This is the task facing players of an online game the Red Cross has created to introduce young people to its work and, hopefully, encourage them to become volunteers.
Traces of Hope, one of the first charity ‘alternate reality’ games, is a realistic simulation of humanitarian relief work and has so far attracted 7,500 registered users.
The charity has also teamed up with Dutch company Spil Games to produce a game to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Dutch Red Cross. The Red Cross Game: Emergency Response Unit can be played online for free with a full version on sale for $19.95. Some of the proceeds will be donated to the charity.
Peter Driessen, the chief executive of Spil Games, said: “It not only gives people a chance to learn about the heroic work done by Red Cross workers but also directly supports this valiant organisation.”
While some may welcome the use of new technology to entice young people to a good cause, critics may suggest that basing computer games on the serious issue of humanitarian relief in war zones trivialises the Red Cross’s life-saving work.
Dorothea Arndt, the head of new media for the British Red Cross, said: “Traces of Hope is a way for us to reach new supporters we wouldn’t otherwise reach. It’s part of our remit to educate young people about our humanitarian work and the game is a good way to do that.”
She added: “We are very aware and strive to make sure that we always portray the people we help with dignity and respect while highlighting their stories. We’re simplifying the message of our work so its reaches more people.”
The Red Cross has also launched a social media initiative called Red Recruits, timed to coincide with the introduction of the computer games. The scheme aims to establish an online community of youth ambassadors, who will be official Red Cross representatives.
The charity believes the informal approach will appeal to young people who would not ordinarily think of joining the Red Cross.
The Red Cross also hopes that existing young volunteers will use social networking sites such as Facebook and Bebo to pass on the charity’s message, increase interest in its work and boost recruitment.
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