How many times did you have to throw away an old thing, thinking and sighting: “What a pity to throw this away!”. All of us have experienced the frustration of throwing away something we’ve loved but can’t keep anymore. Whether it is an old pair of jeans you don’t fit anymore or your grandma’s armchair which your girlfriend does not want to see next to her expensive designer’s lamp in your new apartment.
Sometimes recycling has something in common with ending a love-story, and although this might sound a bit too CarryBradshow-esque, this is the concept behind the successful recycling project, Rifiuto con affetto, Rejecting with love. An idea developed by Publink, an Italian artistic group founded by Roberta Bruzzechesse, Maddalena Vantaggi and Maria Zanchi.
Rifiuto con affetto, is implemented through the RCA dustbin system. Provided with transparent sliding doors , the RCA dustbin allows you to see the objects which have been “left there with love”. As a matter of fact this special dustbin reminds a lot of a shop window where you can leave an item and choose another one in exchange. RCA dustbins can be found along the streets or in public spaces (libraries, schools, meeting centres, etc..) RCA dustbin is a public wardrobe at all the citizens’ disposal.
The aim of the project is to raise awareness about sustainable garbage disposal methods and recycling and to make them think twice about throwing away things that to someone else could still be useful.
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