Non profit

Reconnecting the public to the food on their plates

Non Profit ID card. Slow Food UK

di Cristina Barbetta

Questions answered by Victoria Blackshaw, Team & Communications Coordinator, Slow Food UK.

Non Profit ID card: present your project/organisation/campaign 

– Where are you based? Neal’s Yard, London.

– What are you called? Slow Food UK.

– What are you doing and why? Slow Food UK works to ensure good, clean and fair food is a right for everyone. By good, clean and fair we mean that our food should taste good, that it should be produced in a clean way which fully respects the environment, human health and animal welfare, and that food producers are paid a fair wage. We work to raise awareness about the sustainability and social justice issues surrounding the food we eat, and we aim to protect and preserve the traditional foods, defend biodiversity and promote food education.

– Do you have a website/email?; info[at]

– Do you have a Twitter/facebook link/name Facebook Fan/Group Page: Slow Food UK;

Twitter: @slowfooduk

– What makes you so special? Slow Food UK is a non-profit, member-supported organisation working to reconnect the British public with the food on their plates. We are special because we have a network of dedicated volunteers all around the country who organise events themed on protecting biodiversity, promoting food education and increasing knowledge sharing – including taste workshops, farm visits, film screenings, and much more.


The turning point

– How did you start? After Slow Food was established in 1989 in Italy, the movement grew globally. Our National Association was founded on the Isle of Skye in 2005.

– What keeps you going every day? Reaching out to more and more people with the Slow Food message.

– Who is your target?  Anyone and everyone. Slow Food UK is accessible to all.

What was Slow Food UK’s turning point? Our restructure in April 2009, leading to a new team, new visions and new goals.


The challenge

– A proud moment? Meeting our members from around the country -farmers, producers, journalists, teachers, businessmen -at our National Meeting in October 2009 and seeing firsthand the power of our network.

– A problem you face? All obstacles can be overcome when you have a strong vision.

– What was your main challenge? To become a national organisation with whom the UK government can consult on a variety of food issues to help change the way intensive, modern agriculture is impacting our population and planet.

– Your personal motto when things get hard? Tomorrow is another day.

– Another cool project/organisation/campaign you would like to recommend?

The Golden Company (youth beekeepers and honey producers in London); WWOOF UK (opportunities on organic farms).

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