Recession: solutions vs procedures

di Filippo Addarii

Another useful lunch this week. This time with Tony, leading one of the top 10 Brussels-based think-tanks. Now it’s time for action. There isn’t room for bullshitters anymore.

We are undergoing a global recession which has just started to hit the third sector. There is much discussion about the economy and global governance but nobody in high places seems to be caring for us. We have to make the first move. We decided to organise a massive conference on the crisis and the sector, gathering all stakeholders late in September. It will be in Brussels.

Keep you ears open. You can’t miss it. We want to persuade the European Commission to take action; starting with the reform of funding procedures, sharing best practice and the solutions for organisations to get through the crisis and get the sector amongst the priorities of the global agenda.

This is not just a time of financial crisis but the trust in the global order is at stake. The third sector is not just on the frontline to tackle the social emergency that will naturally occur, but even more the solution to redraft the social contract and rebuild social cohesion across societies.

People trust NGOs. Organisations like Oxfam have more members than any political party and its constituency is already global. It seems that Green Peace is the most trusted organisation in the world – including public and private ones.

On the other hand, we still see the usual suspects wasting time on new procedures to engage civil society. This week I was consulted again about a new code for civil society by the European Council. An endless list of seminars and consultations without any clear outcome.

There is no time for this type of empty exercise. We need a quick decision-making process, resources, incentives and solutions. Most of all, we need leadership across all sectors to make it happen!

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