Put money where your mouth is

di Filippo Addarii

Christmas is approaching and the end of year as well. It’s time for a review or last chance to make up for our misdeeds.

However, I don’t want to mislead those who know me well. They might have misunderstood the title of this entry. This is not an encouragement to commit more resources to commercial sex. On the contrary, I want you, my readers – all third sector leaders embarked in enterprises save the world – to question your commitment and check if you have really done anything to make a difference this year. Your paid job doesn’t matter.

As my grandfather said “charity is giving what you need, not what is left over”.

What have I done? Simple, I helped an Italian friend to repay some debts and another one in Senegal to rebuild the family house that was burnt. It was a hut but it’s not so cheap building a new one!

On the other hand no holidays on this watch. But at least I wrote a new entry.

.. this is not the end. St Claus has come for me as well. A friend gave me a juicy cheque to reward my generosity. Who said that social investments are not profitable???

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